6 March 2006

Today, i have mostly been eating omlette.

I've been a little low today,
So thought i'd write a poem.
But sadly it's not going well,
as it would usually be flowin.

I spoke to Hilary and Meg in America today for 2 hours. Now i really miss them.
I may have to add Disney films to my Chick-Flick ban, as i recon the love stories are just as potent and leave me equally in as big an emotional mess, Beauty and the Beast has done me no favours.
PONDER: Why does everyone i love most live so far away?
I guess it's just like one of those mysteries of life, such as the mystery: Why are the cutest men short? Why are all tall men taken? Why are all the cute, tall men gay? I guess we'll never know.
But on a more positive note, life is wonderful. My laptop started working again, i'm getting a keyboard in the post on Thursday, and i'm in first year so i dont have to worry too much about the fact i've done no revision for my 4 exams this week. Fabulous.

(oh, if anyone reads this and has a clue how to work this blog thingy please let me know, i can't work it out for the life of me, thanks)


Steven said...

What's wrong with being short???

I'm just altitudinally challenged.

Anonymous said...

Ooh i can write a comment he he. I've never written one before!!! Anyway, lol, I totally agree with you! Oh especially about the disneyness thing. I watched Pocohontas the other day and it scewed me up ha ha.
I've finished now so bye bye special suzy su xxx