25 April 2006

The time has come again to blog *yay* i hear you cry. (If you think about that sentence long enough, there are 2 different meanings it could have, lol) . Well i'm back at university now, i have been here two days and and already am having a good old fabulous time again, after the strangest 3 weeks of Easter holiday, ever. It was a wonderful holiday, i packed the 3 three weeks with as many friends, trips and things to keep myself entertained with as possible for the fear of being bored out of my tiny little head. I caught up with a childhood friend in Nottingham, went on a road trip to Cardiff with a friend from the ship, went bowling with a friend and lots of people i'd never met before in Miton Keynes, did a lot of shopping and piano playing, went to the pub with school friends, and had another ship mate from America come stay, road tripped to Cornwall with my parents, went surfing and slept in a summer house, before waving her off to Liberia. I can't say i was bored, but i can say for most of it i felt fairly dead inside (An over-used phrase in my vocabulary these days). I can't put my finger on why exactly, but i could not feel comfortable in myself at home. It would be easy to say it was because of my parents or something, and maybe that was something to do with it, but our problems, or the solution to our problems has to start with us pointing the finger at ourselves, not at others.

The moment Mum and i drove into Bangor again 2 days ago, i felt so at home. I felt so much peace, i began to feel i was where i belonged again. What a reassuring feeling!! If i'm to spend the next 2 or 3 years here, it's a blessing to feel so at home. Seeing my friends again, the looks on their faces when they saw me and the hugs they gave made me feel alive again, Lord i realised how much i love and need them! Oh how blessed i am.

Yesterday on Sunday, my favourite day of the week here, i played on the grand piano at church, i talked girl talk for hours with a good friend, the sun was shining and in the evening i met up with my cell group who never cease to be an incredible blessing and encouragement. Then on the way home, i sat in silence on a bench in a field overlooking the Menai, and God spoke to me - and the picture above is what he showed me, he was just reminding me of who he is. I can't explain how beautiful it was! The sunset over the Menai and the trees, the birds chirpin away and complete aloness with God. I got such a sense that i was walking in the light, and i was walking the right way.

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