I've just rediscovered this story that I once wrote some years ago, as I read it back it still holds the same power it did for me then, I hope it does for you too.
I saw myself, standing in a green field.
I had with me ropes, large grappling hooks and a basket. I was on a mission, and that mission was to get to heaven.It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining through the clouds above me, and there wasn’t another soul in sight. I had a plan... If I could just hook my ropes onto a cloud, I had a clever system that I could pull myself up with. It really was awfully clever. I threw my grappling hooks into the air to catch a cloud, but it would not catch. The hooks would not hold, and each time they fell back down. I tried and tried to no avail, when I decided my next try would be my last. No more would I strive for heaven, no more would I strive to know it's secrets. I threw my hook and rope into the air for a final time.... and to my surprise, it caught. I pulled it, and it did not fall back down. I thought I was awfully clever. I tied the rope to the ground and I threw another, the second caught too, then the third, and then the fourth. When all four were firmly in place I affixed my basket and began my ascent. While enjoying the view, smug in how clever I had been, it began to rain. Being so very clever, I had prepared for all eventualities, and I took out my umbrella. But before I had a chance to open it, I saw that the rain was not like normal rain, instead it was crimson red. As I looked in disbelief, I noticed that instead of making me red too, I became white… like it was washing me, making me clean. Confused, I continued my ascent until I reached the cloud, where I pulled myself up and into the blue above. But then the worst possible sight lay before my eyes. I fell to my knees as before me lay a dead man, splayed out on his back. My four grappling hooks were piercing him, one in each hand and foot. The spikes in his limbs had taken the weight of me and my baggage, killing him. I could see the pain on his face, the strain in his body. I’m sorry I cried.I cried and I cried. My tears flowed over him as I removed the hooks from his hands and feet, it's my fault, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. The hooks and the ropes dropped back down to the earth, and I sat there feeling so alone on that cloud, crying. All at once, the man began to move. He groaned, and opened his eyes. My surprise gave way to relief, and my relief to fear, for surely this man would be angry with me? As his gaze found mine, I realized there was only kindness in his eyes. They were so beautiful, like he could see into me. I’m sorry, I said, I’m so sorry. How did this happen? He quietened me and he told me not to be afraid, then began to explain that he saw me trying to reach heaven. You were trying so hard, he said, but your hooks would not hold onto the cloud, they kept falling. I wanted you to come, I wanted you to get here, I wanted to show you everything, so I laid myself down. I caught them because hooked onto me, I knew you would make it.
We were standing now, upon the cloud in the warmth of the day. The man pointed across the sky towards the sun where I saw the gates of heaven. Come with me, he said, I’ve much to show you.
1 comment:
Very good! 2011 is though, a long time ago... When's the next post coming? :-)
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