10 March 2006


Look who i found! CUUUTE.
On an entirely different note, i want get my blog on today a little bit about my flat, B1. I love my flat, it's sociable and friendly and just because we fall out sometimes when alcohol is involved surely only means we love each other all the more... doesn't it? I am however growing more concerned however about a certain fad invading the entire corridor - Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I swear, it's taking over the world. Poor penniless students have been sucked into it's web of sugary goodness, and unhealthy addictions are becoming apparent. Chuck was eating it for breakfast this morning, Jen has gone through almost a pot a day for the last week. There are even more frightful stories like these, and i will continue to keep you updated on the situation as i try to stop it spreading to other floors. This is war.

I've had exams the last few days, i think they went ok considering how little work i did for them. I love Multiple Choice Question Exams, even if i knew nothing and crossed the same box for every question, i'd still get 25%. Results for last term come out on Monday, i hope i've whipped ass.

I've been praying God would give me a keyboard forn a few weeks now, and yesterday it arrived (i mentioned to my parents i was looking for one, and Dad bought me one on Ebay - what a lovely man he is). Unfortunate timing as i spent most of last night playing keyboard than i did revising, but you know, i know my priorities. I now have enough musical instuments in my room to make an entire band and for most of my flat mates to play in it - Keyboard, guitar, Djumbe, Bodhran and EggShaker etc. My musical creativity is no longer bound by lack of means, praise the Lord!

Other last thoughts: I'm hungry. Man-fast improving. Have a 'safe' date for the summer ball. I got applauded when i walked into the kitchen in B0 this afternoon and I'M GOING TO AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i love you all.


Steven said...

My dearest Suzy,

A few comments:

1. If you cross the same box for every answer in a MCQ where you are presented with 4 options you are not guaranteed 25%. That assumes the answers are equally distributed among the options which they very rarely are.

2. You no doubt will have "whipped ass" in your exam results on Monday

3. If you have a tambourine don't let the Irish people know as they will make you pay severely.

4. You promised me that you'd eat well when you went to uni! I can't remember what my promise was but I think it was something to do with sleep which I have been doing.

5. The summer ball. Safe date? No sorry I'll still have to approve him I'm afraid.

6. When exactly are you going to America? Thanks for telling me like.

Your beloved, soon to be running the country, adopted brother


Anonymous said...

Hi Suz read your 'blog' glad UR havin a gud time and God is lookin after you. Myself am feeling a tad blue n lonely I guess I need 2 lean on God more! Take care God bless you always! LOL Mark J.xxx