8 May 2006

There are depths within the human soul
It's hard to let another go,
And from fragility it groans when someone comes too close.

From someone you let at less than arms length,
Words hold twice as much power,
And all that someone says to you reaches so much deeper.

Either life or death you can choose to speak
A sensitive truth is all that's required,
Hold me valuable in your eyes as there i see my reflection.

It's been so long since i blogged properly on here. Shame really. It's funny how when the most interesting, bloggable stuff happens you dont have the time or the energy to blog about it. Or is that just me? For example, this last week has been one of the most interesting/difficult weeks this year for a couple of reasons (namely an unexpected letter, an unexpected advance and a flatmate unexpectedly getting arrested for voyerism all within 2 days). The emotional upheaval of it all has caused me to sleep a LOT, not wanting to do much or go out, but as the week's gone on it's getting better, time does seem to be a healer. Trying to forget the negative things, i've so much to look forward to in the next few weeks, like recording my debut EP (!!!!!) of recent songs i've written with my good friend Mark (we're still trying to think of a good name for us, what do people think of 'Sapphira'? Answers on a postcard please), then the summer ball, then a week on Tuesday i'm flying to Minneapolis in the States to spend 3 incredible weeks with 2 incredible friends from the ship last year. While i've got a lot to look forward to, i'm so sad i've only a week left of 1st year, then it's back home after my trip to get a job and wait impatiently for 2nd year - lots of work and fewer friends around as most of them are 3rd years. But praise God for such an incredible year, definately the 2nd best after last year i'd say. Here's hoping there's more even better years to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your article is very informative and helped me further.

Thanks, David