14 October 2007

Blog about my 'day'

I dont drink very much, in fact when i filled out a questionnaire about my drinking habits in my Psychology of Addictive Behaviours lecture last week, my average alcohol intake on an average week is 2 units. That's the equivalent of one glass of wine to you and me. Last night i went to a party in a house, or house party, but drank nothing. Nada. Nothing but straight Dandelion & Burdock for me (and even that was a bit strong, at one point i ended up making a fool of myself in the kitchen, as my new shoes slid across the tiles depositing my ass nicely on the floor). Didn't get back til 4.30am, and despite being completely sober i set my alarm wrong. Stupid 12hr clocks. For the record, 12AM is MIDNIGHT and 12PM is MIDDAY. When i awoke this 'morning', i checked my phone for messages, not terribly worried as my alarm hadn't gone off yet. I had one message received... at 5.33pm. Excuse me? What? Turned out it was 10 minutes to 6. If today had been a week day, i'd pretty much have missed BOTH episodes of Neighbours. Angry at myself, i got up, had 'breakfast', and tried to make the most of the rest of my 'day'.

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