6 August 2008


This is an amazing, inspiring true story from a book i'm reading and felt the need to share it, because though miracles happen they only rarely get passed on:

~~~When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson p. 26-27~~~

"His name was Luke. Like nost of the folks from the streets he and his wife Jennifer had come to the wedding because food was being served. Luke walked with difficulty, needing the help of a cane. He wore braces round each arm, and a large brace around his neck.

Following the meal my brother Rob and i brought them into the church kitchen, asking him about the braces on each arm. He told us him problem was carpal tunnel syndrome. I asked him if he could take the braces off and let us pray. He said yes. (Whenever it's possible I like to remove whatever that person might trust in other than God.) He did so, and we laid our hands on his wrists, commanding the tunnel to open and all numbness and pain to be gone. He then moved his hands freely, experiencing the healing he had just received.

When we asked him about his cane and the obvious problem with his leg, he described how he had suffered a horrible accident. As a result, he had an artificial shin and hip and had even lost half a lung. His walk was laboured and painful. When the surgeons put him back together his leg was an inch too short. I had him sit down and encouraged both him and his wife to watch what God was about to do...... We commanded the leg to grow. It did. When he stood, he shifted his weight from side to side, almost as though her were trying on a new pair of shoes, saying 'Yeah, that's about right'. ...... I asked him to walk across the room, which he did gladly, without a limp and without pain. God was at work......

Next we asked about Luke's neck. He told me he had cancer and was given a couple of years to live..... the brace was necessary because of the loss of muscles in his neck. The brace held his head in place. By this time a group had gathered, not to watch, but to participate. At my request he removed the brace while another man in our church, a medical doctor, safely held his head. ...... i heard the doctor command new muscles to grow. ..... When we were finished, Luke turned his head from side to side. All was restored. He then placed his hand on the side of his neck and exclaimed, 'the lumps are gone!'

His doctor gave him a clean bill of health, and the miracles continued long past the physical healing. Luke and Jennifer began to serve Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Within weeks Luke got a job, the first time he had worked in 17 years. Jesus heals the whole person.

- Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth, pp. 26-27.

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